Friday, 2 January 2009

Conservatives at Dorset County Risk Huge Insurance payouts

I have been running a campaign from the Bridport end of the coast road about the lack of markings & cats eyes on the new surface for about a month now & have concerns that the money saving device by the County Council could have a huge financial backlash in terms of insurance claims.

This road has one of the highest accident rates in Dorset. I think everyone is agreed that to take the markings away is sheer lunacy. The road has plenty of bumps, bends & unexpected twists, it is used as a race track for motor-cyclists & if you drive at night & have to dip your headlights when you meet another driver the lack of cats eyes means that you can’t gauge where the edge of the road is.

But what will happen if the accident rate increases ? If the lack of markings can be said to be a contributing factor to any accident, you can bet that the County Council will be asked to pay up –and with our money. When the Bridport News covered this they contacted the National Insurers Assoc which agreed that yes, if there was a chance to make a claim against the County on the grounds of failure to safely mark the road, there would be claims made.

It’s alright for our local Conservative County Councillors to complain about the road, but it was the Conservative Cabinet of the council which decided to go ahead with the raw roads policy.
Personally I don’t believe this decision has been made to improve traffic flow – when we suggested a signal free town centre in Bridport the County ridiculed us – they are over £153 million in debt & I think it’s purely to save money.

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