Thursday, 15 January 2009

Please protest against Israeli Aggression

So many people have contacted me about the disproportionate killing that is occuring in Gaza. 30 Israeli's killed & over 1000 Palestinians - 300 or more of them children.

Nick Clegg has organised a Facebook Group to protest - so log is you agree - against the UK government approving the sale of arms & arms components to Israel.

On a democratic level, I was appalled by Tuesday's news that two of the three Arab political parties in Israel have been excluded from contesting the forthcoming general election, on the grounds that expressing concern for the level of killing of innocent civilians in Gaza makes them supporters of terrorism ! That's the equivalent not only of banning Sinn Fein, but also the SDLP prior to the Good Friday Agreement, & only shows what scant regard they have for real democratic process.

I only hope that the UN does have the balls to begin proceedings for war crimes. Leaving children clinging to the bodies of their dead parents for 4 days after shelling the house to which you sent them for refuge draws inevitable comparison with the ethnic cleansing in Bosnia or even Rwanda.

Incidentally, of the 30 Isrtaeli's killed, some of them lost their lives through friendly fire. By this logic the Israeli army should turn the guns on itself...........enuogh said !

New Sustainable Communities launch

Here is a copy of a press release to the echo on Sustainable Communities - potentially brilliant legislation which will give us a say in how our town & parishes are run.

Dorset Liberal Democrats have hailed as a victory the launch of a new Bill tonight (Friday) at the Sustainable Communities meeting in Dorchester by Unlock Democracy group Local Works. Sue Farrant, Lib Dem Parliamentary Candidate for West Dorset, said today
“ Liberal Democrat architects of original bill originally argued for it to include town & parish councils as well as the districts , boroughs & counties & are delighted that a formal attempt is being made to alter the legislation." "The problem with the original legislation" said West Dorset District Cllr Ros Kayes, also Lib Dem Parliamentary Candidate for South Dorset, "is that it did not go far enough. What's the point in offering power to local communities if your cut off point is at district level ? How local is that? I'm delighted that Dorset Conservatives are now supporting our campaign on this, because we've been asking some pretty awkward questions at West Dorset & in Weymouth & Portland as well about whether councils are going to involve town & parish councils in their consultations & as yet we have received no formal reply." "The problem with the original legislation," said Sue Farrant , "is that the parish & town councils were taken out after the first draft. We have been looking for a commitment from West Dorset District Council to include them in their consultation ever since. I also hope that the County Council opts in to the Act at the first opportunity . If they are going to support this change at tonight's meeting then it's a victory for local communities in West Dorset because it will give them the chance to come up with good ideas that suit their own town or parish & actually give them the power to roll them out" Come along to tonight's meeting to celebrate the launch - & bring some ideas, about what your community would like to see done !

Sunday, 11 January 2009


Nick Clegg has argued strongly in the Guardian this week that the UK government must lead the EU into using its economic & diplomatic leverage to broker peace in Gaza by suspending the proposed new cooperation agreement with Israel & halting British arms exports.

World leaders must accept that their response tot he election of Hamas has been a strategic failure, he argues.

Seumas Milne has also argued that the media choice to focus on the immediate reasons for the current conflict (ie the Hamas shelling of Israel) leads us to a reductive interpretation of events.

As a psychotherapist & campaigner for conflict resolution I have long been aware that just as aggression is triggered by 'emotional history' in the individual, so too is it triggered by 'emotional history & the framework of intepretation' in a nation, culture or religion. Both peoples in this situation need to be able to see the conflict from a different interpretative framework.

Until Western governments are able to show empathy & respect for the Palestinian world-view (61 years of national dispossession, refugee camps, occupation, seige & multiple Israeli violations of UN Security Council Resolutions & Geneva conventions) & are able to hold Israel to account for its actions where these are contravened, then peace & reconciliation will never take place.

The international world must stop shying away from the fear that criticism of Israel is the same thing as anti-semitism: it is not. Nothing can exonerate the action of the Nazis, or indeed, the action of Esatern & Western Europeans throughout the period of modern history. It is partly our responsibility that Zionists hold the opinions that they do. However none of this justifies Israel's attempt to enact a 'final solution' in Gaza nor does our own guilt in the West justify our tacit support of it.

Britain must not be led by the complex range of domestic factors that influence US policy on this issue. Sarkozy has taken an unexpected lead in this matter & it is a lead we should follow.

Ultimately only a UN with teeth can kick-start the kind of dialogue required. Whilst I worry about what Clinton's new position in the Obama administration will throw into the mix, I retain hope that the US president elect's vision for the UN in the 21st century holds some hope for the future.

Friday, 2 January 2009

Conservatives at Dorset County Risk Huge Insurance payouts

I have been running a campaign from the Bridport end of the coast road about the lack of markings & cats eyes on the new surface for about a month now & have concerns that the money saving device by the County Council could have a huge financial backlash in terms of insurance claims.

This road has one of the highest accident rates in Dorset. I think everyone is agreed that to take the markings away is sheer lunacy. The road has plenty of bumps, bends & unexpected twists, it is used as a race track for motor-cyclists & if you drive at night & have to dip your headlights when you meet another driver the lack of cats eyes means that you can’t gauge where the edge of the road is.

But what will happen if the accident rate increases ? If the lack of markings can be said to be a contributing factor to any accident, you can bet that the County Council will be asked to pay up –and with our money. When the Bridport News covered this they contacted the National Insurers Assoc which agreed that yes, if there was a chance to make a claim against the County on the grounds of failure to safely mark the road, there would be claims made.

It’s alright for our local Conservative County Councillors to complain about the road, but it was the Conservative Cabinet of the council which decided to go ahead with the raw roads policy.
Personally I don’t believe this decision has been made to improve traffic flow – when we suggested a signal free town centre in Bridport the County ridiculed us – they are over £153 million in debt & I think it’s purely to save money.

South Dorset thoughts on the Green scenario

A couple of things occured to me over the Christmas break with regard to this case. The first is this: who vetted the civil servant concerned & why didn't they pick up not only that he was a member of the conservative party (not in itself a crime for a public servant !), but also that he was an activist who had been approved as a parliamentary candidate for the party ( a different issue altogether) ?

The second is this - why did the conservatives seek to implicate an approved candidate in activity that would be damaging to his career by accepting leaks from this source ? Were the leaks actively sought or were they voluntarily given or (and the logical conclusion must be explored here) was the individual allowed to infiltrate the civil serviceprecisely for the purpose of generating leaks that could then be used to create political capital for the party of which he was both a member & an approved candidate ? If that were to have been the case the whole thing is very murky indeed.........